Communication Skills Training in NYC 

Trust is the cornerstone of any high-performing team.  To build trust, nothing is more important than communication.  All of our communication skills workshops can be customized for any audience and tailored to meet specific objectives.  


Courageous Conversations

In this workshop, we will explore both the art and science of courageous communication that fosters true productivity and collaboration. Participants will learn and practice five key conversational moves and leave with a toolkit and customized action plan that will increase their ability to courageously communicate in a way that produces real impact.

Communicating across differences - HBDI®

In this workshop, we harness and enhance diverse thinking to increase team creativity and collaboration. We’ll introduce the Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator (HBDI®) and Herrmann Whole Brain Thinking® Model as ways in which to help participants identify their own individual thinking preferences, strengthen and flex alternative modes of thinking, and understand and leverage the diversity of thinking styles within their own teams.

Management Skills Training

High-performing sole contributors do not automatically translate into good managers. Individuals are often promoted based on their technical skills and their ability to execute.  Without training, the transition to manager can be difficult.  

Leading High-Performing Teams

High-performing teams are the key to any successful business. Through facilitated discussion and interactive exercises, participants will get an objective perspective of their team’s dynamics , their role on the team and how to establish more generative relationships with co-workers.  

Emotional Intelligence Training

This program is aimed at assessing and developing key emotional intelligence skills to strengthen impact and performance. Leveraging the EQ-i 2.0 Assessment, participants will gain a greater understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, and created a customized action plan for continued development.

Influencing Skills and Personal Impact 

In today’s workplace, positional power is not enough to drive results.  Leaders must be able to build effective relationships to influence outcomes. 

In this highly conversational program, participants will explore various methods of influence and the practical skills for authentically influencing others without owning the positional authority. 

Presentation Skills Training

Using a range of proven speech training techniques and practical exercises, participants will learn to deliver with greater confidence, clarity and conviction.  Key skills and techniques are developed in an engaging, interactive and risk-free environment.


Our Business Storytelling workshop offers skills to help leaders build better teams, strengthen client relationships and increase influence.


WHAT PARTICIPANTS ARE SAYING ABOUT OUR NYC communication skills training 


Starla made everyone feel at ease, even though most said they were nervous to speak in front of the group. She gave great tips and techniques to calm yourself while speaking and make your presentation more convincing for the audience.
~Participant, Communication Skills Training Workshop


Starla was the best. She made the experience fun and meaningful.
~Participant, Communication Skills Training Workshop

Starla was very knowledgeable and kept things moving,  I appreciated the good mix of theoretical and practical topics.
~Participant, Influence and Personal Impact Workshop

Starla was warm, friendly and knew her stuff. Understanding the four personality types was excellent and something that could be applied to all working situations and personal situations.
~Participant, Influence and Personal Impact Workshop